Sunday, November 26, 2006

We Made the Paper!!!

Small Blue Bottle Tree Growing on a Highland Porch

My dad called me this afternoon. He was excited because he read my name in Maggie Martin's column in the Sunday Shreveport Times. Keep reading... under the Deck the Halls 2006 headline we're the very last sentence..."Two pieces of art had everyone talking: Kathryn Usher's two bottle trees. (You can see them for yourself and buy to your heart's content through Jan. 6.)"

I need to craft some stationery and send Ms Martin a thank you note. Weeeee!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

New Profile Picture

Bottle Tree Picture of Kathryn

I wish I could say I took this but my husband Charlie did. I love blue bottles.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

What an Artist Likes to See

Three pieces of Robin Rothrock's art flew off the walls at Deck the Halls before I arrived, leaving behind these cookie crumbish red dots.

Friday, November 17, 2006

bottle tree art makes it onto Shreveport Faces

Angelique Feaster is standing by one of my bottle trees at artspace. Big party there tonight. Gotta go take a shower. Hope you can make it to downtown Shreveport this evening.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Trees Delivered

It turned into a family project, completing the bottle trees and getting them delivered to artspace for the Deck the Halls 2006 show. The whole time I'm driving the van full of glass and wood sculptures I'm thinking "please no accidents." I was afraid if there was an impact the bottles would fly around the vehicle and thump me in the head.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Bottle Trees

Who knew finding trees with roots would be so difficult?